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Weather @ MKSC

The club’s aim is to promote the sport of Sailing, There are no prerequisites other than an interest in sailing. MKSC always welcomes new members whatever their experience. If you want to find out more about the club, come down to the Club any Sunday Lunchtime and there will always be someone there to “Talk Sailing”. If you are new to Sailing we have regular RYA Level 1/2 Training Courses from our own RYA Approved Instructors. These will give you the confidence to buy a boat of your own and get on the water… Read more >>

MKSC provides spaces for up to 150 sailing dinghies which members can rent on an annual basis.  All boats must be insured to protect against damage or theft.  It is not serviced, nor staffed, but occasionally maintained on an entirely voluntary basis. Unfortunately, we don’t have staff or sufficient volunteers for special boat handling.

Whilst the compound is locked most of the time, it is accessible to all of the clubs at the Watersports Centre, and therefore boats stored in the compound are stored entirely at owners risk.  If you have a boat of significant value, you should consider taking  extra security measures such as additional locks, and removing valuable such as foils and sails.  Fragile boats should be protected appropriately.

Once or twice a year, boats are required to be moved to cut the grass and keep the compound tidy.  It is the owners responsibility to move the boats, especially if they are fragile / valuable.  Whilst every care is taken by volunteers (fellow sailors and boat owners) during the maintenance of the boatyard, sometimes some minor accidents do occur.  If you are especially concerned about your boat, please ensure you attend the boat yard maintenance days.

Our RYA qualified instructors run combined novice (RYA L1) and improver  (RYA L2) courses each year in dinghy sailing; these follow the… RYA adult syllabus >> 

We teach both courses as a set so that you end up with both a L1 and L2 qualification (somewhat akin to your driving licence)… Read more >>

Lake usage times

07.00 – 10.00 amAllAllAllAllAllRowingRowing
10.00 – 12.00 amAllAllAllAllAllRowing + SailingSailing
12.00 – 14.00 pmAllAllAllAllAllSailingSailing
14.00 – 18.00 pmAllAllSailingAllAllSailing + CanoeingSailing
18.00 – 21.00 pmRowingCanoeingSailingRowingCanoeingAllAll
Lake usage 2024

Mark Tuffnell


Paul North

Vice Commodore

Clare Butler Ellis


Sarah Glavin

Youth Squad

Lewis Webster


Eoin Harris


Lynn Allen


Paul McParland
